El Grifilm

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How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy

Orson Scott Card

Editorial: Writer's Digest Books • 1990

• En inglés / In English. Con anotaciones en el interior. - THE INFINITE BOUNDARY: What is and isn't science fiction and fantasy and by whose standards: publishers, writers, readers; What basic concepts and approaches gualify a story as true speculative fiction and how SF and fantasy differ from one another. WORLD CREATION: How to build, populate and dramatize a credible inviting world that readers will want to share with you; Dragging ideas through the idea net of why how and with what result; Developing the rules of your world and then abiding by them and making them matter: the rules of Time Space and Magic; Working out the history language geography and customs of your invented world. STORY CONSTRUCTION: Finding a character for an idea or developing ideas for a character to enact; Qualifications for the main character: who hurts the most - who has power and freedom to act; Should the viewpoint character be the main character - how do you decide; Determining where the story should begin and end; The MICE quotient: milieu - idea - character - event - knowing which is most important in your story will help you decide its proper shape. WRITING WELL: Keeping exposition in its place; Leading your reader into the strangeness step by step; Piquing the reader's interest; Keeping the level of diction appropriate to the story's imagined world; Using invented jargon sparsely and effectively. THE LIFE AND BUSINESS OF WRITING: The markets for short and long speculative fiction - magazines - anthologies - fanzines - and how to reach them; Classes workshops conferences and conventions; Collaboration adaptation and shared worlds; Professional writers' organizations; and Awards in speculative fiction; INDEX.

El Grifilm