Movie Wars : How Hollywood and the Media Limit What Films We Can See
11,00 €Autor: Jonathan Rosenbaum
Editorial Wallflower Press
Plastificado. Con sellos de biblioteca (expurgo). In English / en inglés. Contrary to what a number of disillusioned critics have written and what appears to be the pervading conventional wisdom, Jonathan Rosenbaum believes that cinema is very much alive and well. The problem is, he feels, that all too often we just do not get the opportunity to see the best of it. In Movie Wars, America's leading film critic explores the production, distribution and promotion of mainstream contemporary cinema and how, at every turn, the industry treats the viewer with contempt. Using examples such as Miramax's buying of films solely to keep them out of the hands of competitors with no intention of distributing them, the American Film Institute's narrow championing of Hollywood studio product in their 'Best 100 Films' list, and the mainstream media's unquestioning acceptance of the Hollywood PR machine, Movie Wars is a damning critique of corporate cinematic culture and a no- holds-barred call to arms for those looking for life outside the multiplex.