El Grifilm

Theater East and West: Perspectives Toward a Total Theater

10,00 €

Autor: Leonard C. Pronko

Editorial University of California Press

Firma y fecha en página de respeto. En inglés. Cubierta ligeramente deslucida, interior en muy buen estado. Pronko contends that a creative synthesis of Asian and Western tradition can revolutionize our whole theory and practice of drama. He discusses Balinese dance-drama, Chinese opera, Kabuki and Noh and evaluates their influence on Artaud, Brecht, Copeau, Genet and Becket. Theater East & West offers novel ideas to the imaginative reader. Whether he be playwright, director, actor, musician, costumer, scene designer, make-up artist, architect or even audience member he will find his area of interest discussed in this book Includes several valuable bibliographies.