El Grifilm

Worlds within Worlds: The Richard Rosenblum Collection of Chinese Scholars' Rocks

10,00 €

Autor: Robert D. Mowry; Richard Rosenblum

Editorial Harvard University Art Museums

En inglés / In English. Libreto de 17 páginas en blanco y negro / Black & White stapled booklet (17 pages). Catalogue: 1996-1999. Revered by Chinese connoisseurs and literati since the Tang dynasty (618-907) or earlier, scholars' rocks have been little known in the West. As refined indoor kin of the more widely recognized Chinese garden stones, these rocks intended for studio display combine the charm of microcosm with sheer abstract beauty; whether regarded as fantastical miniature landscapes or as nonrepresentational sculpture, they invite and reward contemplation. The booklet accompanies an exhibition organized by Robert D. Mowry, curator of Chinese art, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University Art Museums.